
The Life of Man-Tin Michael Chan

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After a long battle against Alzheimer's and dementia, on November 11th, 2016, Man-Tin Michael Chan peacefully passed away. He was diagnosed with dementia in 2006. Michael was born in 1928 in Shanghai, China, and he moved to Hong Kong in 1949, where he got married with Sylvia Leung and had two daughters: Catherine Chan-Ng, and Carrie Chan-Lam. During his time in Hong Kong, he never stopped working. He built an empire consisting of numerous real estate holdings, a manufacturing company, and a stock brokerage company. Moving from Hong Kong to the United States in 2006, he then was put in the care of his daughter until his final moments. Michael was a dedicated Christian who was an active member of the Baptist Church while he was in Hong Kong. After he moved to America he joined the Chinese Christian Church in Philadelphia. He also enjoyed contributing to community affairs and volunteers his time endlessly. Michael now rests in West Laurel Hill Cemetery in Pennsylvania with his late wife, Sylvia Leung-Chan. He is survived by two daughters and five grandchildren. This tribute was from his family who wish to honor his life of a mentor, a friend, a grandfather, and a father. 經過一段漫長的抗病,先父陳聞天先生於二零一六年十一月十一日回歸天父的懷抱。他於二零零六年患上腦退化症,最終亦是因為此症引至身體機能衰竭而安祥地辭世,享年八十八歲。 先父於一九二八年出生於中國上海,再在大戰後一九四九年隻身到香港,並於一九五六年和先母陳梁雪翹結婚,育有兩個女兒:長女伍陳嘉玲及次女林陳嘉麗。在香港期間,家父不斷的辛勤工作,節儉積蓄,建立的基業曾經包括有地產、製衣廠、及股市公司。二零零六年退休後移居美國,與長女及其家人共享天倫。 先父到香港後轉信基督教,曾是佐敦道浸信會的活躍成員。移居到美國後便加入了費城中華基督教會,是一位虔誠的基督徒。他也熱心公益,做義工及慷慨捐輸,以幫助別人。 先父將會與先母一同安葬於費城近郊。遺下的家屬,有兩女兒、女婿及五名外孫,均籍此表揚他一生的努力,及他對妻兒、子孫、其他家人和朋友的承托和愛䕶。
Posted by Shaina M